Active Directory
Attacking Kerberos: Resource Based Constrained Delegation
Now that we are done with Unconstrained and Constrained Delegations, it is time for the finale. In this blog we’ll discuss Resource Based Constrained Delegation (RBCD).
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In the last blog, we discussed Unconstrained Delegation in detail. We also saw how dangerous Unconstrained Delegation can get. Unconstrained Delegation was the very first implementation of Delegations, introduced back in Windows Server 2000.
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So we are going to talk about Unconstrained Delegation in this blog. I have already covered a small introduction to Delegations and the Kerberos concepts you’d need to understand it in an introduction blog.
Read moreIntroduction to Active Directory Delegations
I spent past few months working on Cybernetics lab from HTB. Awesome labs, thoroughly enjoyed it, tons of things to learn.
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